Over the next few weeks we will review the significant changes in WHMIS 2015 that were introduced February 11, 2015 by the Federal Government of Canada. The new laws/legislation updates the original WHMIS from 1988, to WHMIS 2015.
The update was needed, there have been lots of new workplace chemicals created in the last 27 years since WHMIS was introduced in Canada.
This week we will examine one of the most noticeable changes in the new WHMIS 2015. This change certainly make WHMIS 2015 stand out in comparison to the original WHMIS.
Item #1– Take a look at the symbols, compare WHMIS 2015 to WHMIS 1988, see if you can spot the major difference
Item #2 Which symbol has remained the same in WHMIS 1988 and WHMIS 2015 ?
#1- WHMIS 2015 symbols have the red diamond pattern around the outside with a white background, known as “square on point”. All WHMIS 2015 pictograms (name for symbols) must be printed in RED.
#2- The only symbol that has remained the same is the Bio-hazard Infectious Materials symbol (class D3 from WHMIS 1988).
WHMIS Factoid:
WHMIS was created for the Canadian workplace as part of the workers “Right To Know” about the health and safety hazards associated with hazardous products in the workplace. The Bio-hazardous infectious materials symbol is a Canadian solution to meet those requirements. Therefore this symbol has remained in the WHMIS 2015 symbols.
In our next WHMIS 2015 significant change #2, we will discuss new label requirements.