We Want to Hear from You
Trucking HR Canada is working to further support trucking and logistics employers with the new requirements and impending changes to the Canada Labour Code through the development of practical training resources for the industry. As we work to do this, we need to gain a better understanding of what issues employers and employees face as it relates to anti-harassment and violence prevention training in the workplace.
Trucking HR Canada is partnering with The Nova Scotia Trucking Safety Association to administer a survey to trucking industry employers in Canada. The results of this survey will help us better understand matters such as, employer and employee awareness of the changes to the Canada Labour Code, perceptions of the issues as well as the gaps in training practices surrounding workplace violence and harassment in the sector.
The survey findings will inform new resources for employers to update their workplace policies and training with the goal of reducing workplace harassment and violence in the trucking sector while complying with Bill C-65. As a multiyear initiative, this project will aim to pilot training across the country. This includes, providing train the trainer resources and partnering with provincial trucking associations to facilitate training.
As part of this process, we value your perspective on these topics and hope you can spare 15 minutes to complete a short survey.
As a thank you for completing the survey you will receive:
• An exclusive webinar on the recent changes to the Canada Labour Code by an employment lawyer
– What are your obligations as an employer around compliance, training, and policies?
– What are some of the best practices around workplace violence and anti-harassment that your company can look to?
• Early access to an anti-harassment and violence workplace policy template
– Employers can prepare their workplaces, employees and themselves by being proactive and customizing their own violence and harassment policy. This policy template is a great place to start.
The first 100 respondents to complete the survey will receive a $5 Starbucks gift card as an extra thank you for completing the survey early! Take the survey now: http://abacusdatasurvey.ca/s3/4bf8bf83106c Our goal is to collect all perspectives by August 23, 2019. If you have any questions, issues or concerns please email theteam@truckinghr.com Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. All responses will remain anonymous and only reported in aggregate as overall results. They will not be attributed to a specific individual. The project is funded in part by the government of Canada’s Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Fund.