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Transport Canada provides Advice for Drivers Working during Covid-19 Pandemic

Transport Canada provided some guidance for commercial vehicle operations on April 1, 2020. We want to highlight some of the sage advice here. NSTSA has also created a downloadable PDF so you can save the article and the links in a pdf on your own device as a handy reference.

  • Commercial vehicle drivers must diligently self-monitor. Drivers with mild cough or low-grade fever (37.3 C or more) should self-isolate and stay home.

  • Commercial Vehicle Operators should communicate public health recommendations and updates to drivers in a timely manner.

  • Based on available information, it is estimated that coronaviruses can survive on hard surfaces from 24 hours to several days. Coronaviruses can be spread by touching an infected area, then touching the mouth, nose or eyes before washing hands. Hand washing and respiratory hygiene are important ways of interrupting this transmission.

  • Wash hands regularly and whenever they become soiled:

    • Hand washing with plain soap and water is the preferred method of hand hygiene, since the mechanical action is effective at removing visible soil and microbes.

    • Hands should be washed using soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. When drying hands, disposable paper towels are preferred.

    • If soap and water are not available, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (ABHS) can be used as a temporary measure until hand washing can be done. ABHS containing 60-90% alcohol concentration (optimally over 70%) are the most rapidly active of all agents used in hand disinfection. However, ABHS may not be effective when there is organic material on your hands (e.g. after using the toilet). For this reason, ABHS alone should not be used on visibly soiled hands. Use wipes to remove soil, followed by ABHS.

    • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • When coughing or sneezing drivers should:

    • cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend in the arm, not into hands; and

    • dispose of any tissues that have been used as soon as possible in a lined waste basket and wash/sanitize hands for 20 seconds afterwards.

  • Face-to-face meetings should be kept to a minimum and respect social distancing requirements. To the extent possible, face-to-face meetings should be replaced with conference calls or video conferencing. Interactions with clients should also be kept as short as possible keeping in mind social distancing requirements.

The article covers off before each trip, during your trip and at the end of your trip


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