Tool Box Talk- Passing Emergency Vehicles
Changes to Nova Scotia’s Motor Vehicle Act came into force on May 1 2010, many people are not properly doing what is required under the motor vehicle act.
Here is a summary:
Question: What should I do if I see an emergency responder pulled over with its emergency lights flashing?
Answer: On a road with two or more lanes in your direction, slow down to 60k/h or follow the speed limit if it’s less and move over into a lane further away from the stopped vehicle if you can do so safely. On a road with one lane of travel for your direction, slow down to 60km/h or follow the speed limit if it’s less and pass the emergency vehicle with caution.
What emergency vehicles are included under this law?
Currently the emergency vehicles to which this law refers are as follows:
Police vehicles
Fire department vehicles
Department of Natural Resources fire vehicles
Fire chiefs’ or deputy fire chiefs’ vehicles
Conservation officers’ vehicles
Motor vehicle inspectors’ vehicles
Motor carrier inspectors’ vehicles
More information here (will open new page on your browser)