The Mental Health Commission of Canada has developed training programs designed to address mental health and wellness in Canadian workplaces. The Working Mind (TWM) Workplace Mental Health and Wellness is a science and education based program designed to address, promote mental health and reduce the stigma of mental illness in a workplace setting.
Nova Scotia Trucking Safety Association is pleased to be offering The Working Mind Programs for trucking companies across Nova Scotia.
The manager and supervisors version include:
A focus on dispelling the myths of mental health problems and mental illnesses, aiming to reduce associated stigma
An overview of the Mental Health Continuum Model
Self-assessment of one’s own mental health along the continuum
Strategies one can apply at each point along the continuum
The managers’ & supervisors version includes additional course content, such as:
Workplace accommodations and return to work
How to observe changes in employees along the continuum
Appropriate actions to take
How to communicate with employees about mental health/illness in a workplace context