Employer’s Annual Hazardous Occurrence Report must be submitted by March 1 for companies that are federally regulated.
Under the Canadian Occupational health and Safety Regulations of the Canada Labour Code, federally regulated employers are required to submit the Employer’s Annual Hazardous Occurrence Report (EAHOR), no later than March 1 for the preceding 12-month period ending December 31, even if your business has no hazardous occurrences to report. The report records the total number of disabling injuries, minor injuries, deaths, occupational diseases and other hazardous occurrences that have occurred in the workplace in the past year.
How to obtain EAHOR
Employers who have an e-mail address on file will receive an electronic package in January of each year from Employment Social Development Canada(ESDC)
Employers without an e-mail address on file will receive a reporting package by mail to their mailing address which includes a pre-filled paper EAHOR displaying the workplace addresses of sites which were reported in the last submission.
You can also download a copy here (link will open up a new tab in your browser)
Here is a link to explain how to fill out the Employer’s Annual Hazardous Occurrence Report EAHOR report. (link will open up a new tab in your browser)
A blank report with explanations & sample can be downloaded here (link will open up a new tab in your browser)
Additional employers under federal jurisdiction must also submit a work place committee report by March 1 each year. Click on the link here to get more information about the workplace committee report.