Atlantic Driving Championships 2016 Results
Many thanks to the volunteers that help make the Atlantic Driving Championships 2016 a success, without volunteers this event would not take place.
NSTSA is please to volunteer at the Atlantic Driving Championships 2016
Atlantic Driving Championships 2016 Results:
2 Axle (Straight Truck)
1st place: Roy B Mattinson Roy B Mattinson & Sons 2nd place: Art Burns Connors Transfer Limited 3rd place: John Chambers Armour Transportation Systems
Professionalism : Roy B Mattinson Roy B Mattinson & Sons
4 Axle (Single Tandem)
1st place: Steve MacPhee Day & Ross Transportation Group 2nd place: Herbert Peters Day & Ross Transportation Group 3rd place: Darren Cunningham Armour Transportation Systems
Professionalism: Herbert Peters Day & Ross Transportation Group
5 Axle (Tandem Tandem)
1st place: Rod Wood Island Gas Ltd.
2nd place: Jean-Marc Detraz Keltic Transportation Inc.
3rd place: Norman Gallant Armour Transportation Systems
Professionalism: Ken Swinamer Connors Transfer Limited
B-Train (Super B Train)
1 st place: Rob Stevens Home Hardware Stores Limited 2nd place: Glenn Fisher Midland TransportLimited 3rd place: Byron Tuttle Home Hardware Stores Limited
Professionalism: Glenn Fisher Midland Transport Limited
Rookie of the Year: Doug Hirtle Eassons Transport Limited
Team Award: Midland Transport Limited