You can now reach us at ​(782) 414-0733
About Us
The Nova Scotia Trucking Safety Association (NSTSA) is a not for profit ISO 9001-2015 certified safety association. Member funded and directed to save lives and reduce the toll of workplace injuries. We coordinate and provide quality health and safety programs to our members through training, certification and partnerships with industry, clients and government.

Upcoming Training and Event Dates
Please contact Tina to confirm attendance or for any training inquiries via email:
safety-coordinator@nstsa.ca or Phone: (782)414-0733
HALIFAX TRAINING LOCATION: Apadana Building, 380 Bedford Hwy
On demand training is available.
Call for availability – (782)414-0733
2023 Award Winners
Professional Driver Award Male
Gary Hollahan - Day & Ross Freight
Professional Driver Award Female
Shannon Landsberg - Kings Freight Trans.
Donald Whynot Trucking Limited
Small Business
Bill Dowe Trucking & Excavating
Medium Business
B. P. Aalders Trucking Limited
Large Business
Day & Ross Sydney Terminal
Robbie Bent Excavating Limited
Good Samaritan Awards
Coming to the Rescue of a Professional Driver
Alex Petrie
Mike Smith
Coming to the aid of a Professional Driver
Danny Patterson
Bill Tompson
Jim Coolen
Melissa Burbidge
Barrett Ogilvie
Regulatory Updates
First Aid Regulation Update for 2024
Nova Scotia has updated its workplace first aid standards, effective August 1, 2024. The new rules include options for refresher courses and changes to first aid kit contents, such as adding emergency blankets and tourniquets, while removing mandatory antibiotic ointment. Stay compliant and ensure your workplace kits meet the latest standards.
Safety Alerts
Work Platform Prohibition
Using equipment not specifically designed for lifting workers poses a significant safety risk and is explicitly prohibited by regulations. This includes platforms mounted on loaders, backhoes, excavators, and similar machinery. Employers must adhere to these safety regulations or face penalties. For detailed guidelines and regulatory references, read the full alert.
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