Save 3.5 cents per litre on ALL fuel purchases with Esso Fuels

Nova Scotia Trucking Safety Association is pleased to announce a partnership with Esso Fuel for our membership. This partnership is a fantastic opportunity for our small and medium sized fleets!
Fuel is likely your first or second largest operating cost in the transportation industry. Taking advantage of this partnership will save you money, time and Esso does all the paperwork for you !! More time savings. Here are the details.

Check out the Esso Business Card Program
Volume discounts on every purchase (no minimums)
Easy pay bills on line
Track card(s) usage on-line
Detailed reporting
Showing HST & GST breakouts
Date location time of all purchases
Summary of purchases month to month year totals on all fuel types, taxes all provinces
All tracked by card user
Weekly billing
Odometer reading option
Industry leading 30 day terms OAC
1800 Locations in Canada
Esso Extra Points
Aeroplan Miles
All tracked on line in real time
No cost to enroll, NSTSA Fleet Program, email or fax to Steve Perry our account representative. Steve would love the opportunity to talk to you, ask Steve about our exclusive sign on bonus $$$ !! Start saving more of your hard earned money today with Esso fuel.